The Mattson Foundation was founded in 2005 with one simple goal: to help Americans in need of food. The Foundation was soon put into action when Category 5 Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August 2005, causing over $125 billion in damage and leaving many people without access to food and water. The Mattson Foundation quickly filled and sent two truckloads of food to the victims of this terrible natural disaster.
The Mattson Foundation currently focuses on addressing hunger and nutrition in our community on a hyperlocal level while also working to provide education about healthier eating practices.
We are accepting donations. Please contact us if you would like to contribute and support our mission.
Donation Recipients:
Second Harvest Food Bank
St. Vincent de Paul
Street Life Ministries
CALL Primrose
Planting Justice
Angel Foods
Email: mattsonfoundation@mattsonco.
Phone: 650.574.8824
The Mattson Foundation Committee: Brenda Fong, Letitia Chong, Amanda Sinrod, Andrea Aguirre, Winnie Liu