
CASE STUDIES Guasacaca, a cherished Venezuelan staple, inspired Todd Vine and Francisco Pavan to create a retail version of Francisco’s family hot sauce recipe. The core ingredient was avocado, presenting a challenge to maintain its green color and fresh flavor...

Kitchen Accompice

CASE STUDIES More Than Gourmet recognized the opportunity to improve the traditional taco seasoning packets by creating a seasoning stock concentrate for making savory tacos at home. Mattson recruited target consumers to try the new seasoning concentrate live in our...


CASE STUDIES Kikkoman USA enlisted Mattson to modernize the flavor profiles of their cooking sauces, which had been in the market for over 25 years. Mattson reformulated the products, making them healthier by reducing sodium levels and removing preservatives. The...

Bolthouse Farms

CASE STUDIES Bolthouse Farms sought innovative products to drive growth beyond their fresh carrot and juice businesses. Leveraging their refrigerated produce aisle distribution, Mattson identified an opportunity to create a line of creamy salad dressings made from...