In order to be successful, you have to understand your customer. Sometimes that’s a consumer who buys your food or beverage at a Kroger, WalMart or restaurant. Or maybe you’re selling ingredients B2B to food and beverage manufacturers or foodservice operators.
In all of those scenarios, we can help you gather consumer and/or customer input to identify new opportunities, shed new light on where to play, and shape how to differentiate and optimize your brand and product offerings.

Through A&U and segmentation studies we help clients distinguish and understand their bullseye consumer and the jobs to be done. Our immersive qualitative tools uncover the motivations, pain points and practical realities that influence purchasing behavior. And our concept testing methods help clients prioritize the highest potential ideas that should fill their pipeline for optimal growth.

Once our Innovation Center gets to work bringing your delicious concepts to life, we will re-engage with your consumer at key apertures to get their feedback – on taste, aroma, texture, ease of preparation, convenience, nutrition claims – so that we can finetune the product design to fully address the job to be done. Whether qualitative or quantitative, in-home or on-site, those consumer touch points along the product design journey are invaluable.

For some projects, we will gather and distill professional insights from industry experts to guide strategy, product or ingredient recommendations. Industry insights tools can include Mattson’s Professional Sensory Panel, Professional Focus Groups with Mattson Product Developers as well as interviews with relevant industry experts in Mattson’s vast network such as chefs, food service operators, ingredient suppliers, CPG R&D, retail buyers, academics, target customers and others.